how does a wardrobe stylist work on set?

How does a wardrobe stylist work on set?

Putting together every look you can imagine!

On set, wardrobe stylists are responsible for making the outfit look its best for the production.


Wardrobe styling on a production set

Wardrobe styling on a production set requires passion for the industry, good sense of style as well as the understanding of varying genres, the ability to dress different body types, choose the right colors, artistic knowledge, design knowledge, historical periods and cultures, have technical skills in drafting, sewing, and crafting.

Wardrobe stylists have meticulous attention to detail

Wardrobe stylists have meticulous attention to detail during the experience of the making process, techniques and language so you can communicate with the other specialist areas involved.

Whether you are producing a film, a television commercial, a reality show, photo shoot, tv show or prime time television, as a film wardrobe stylist, you must get the look and feel of the clothing needed for the production you are working on.

How can you accomplish this?

You can do this by:

  • Going out to buy outfits

  • Knowing the inventory

  • Providing fashion advice

  • Choosing and coordinating outfits/props/accessories

  • Managing all the wardrobes

  • Returning, and dressing the actors/actresses/models

  • Preparing them for the production set.

A wardrobe stylists work should be flawless and having a positive and refreshing personality is key!

If you need a stylist in the Florida area, send us an email, and we’ll connect you with our highly-rated stylist, Lori Loftis. Happy styling! Let us know how you like to style in the comments!

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